The Sacred Flame
The Sacred Flame Podcast explores our ancestral story-worlds: the ancient foundation narratives that helped guide our ancestors in life. In this podcast, we reinvigorate the modern world with those stories and bring us back to a place of balance through an archaic revival, a new force that is sourced from the old, forgotten knowledge that was once transmitted in living stories in sacred settings. We gather by the sacred flame and revive the old ways of creating community in the world; by listening to nature and reestablishing the ties that let us realize that we are connected with everything that exists.Our ancestors knew that cultivating the right relationships with the other-than-human beings in the world is the key to living a good life. In this podcast, I am retelling and reconnecting the Nordic story-world with our current reality and offering my thoughts on how you can use these stories to reflect on what it means to exist in the modern world.
The Sacred Flame
Midgard: Walking with the Land-spirits
In this episode, we're investigating how we can connect with the land that we live on. Many of us feel disconnected from the land -or, more importantly, we feel nothing about the land at all. We live in big, urban spaces. Even if we don't live in cities, we generally exist in spaces that are designed to disconnect us from land. In the modern age, it seems that most people only know how to relate to land through ideas about the political territories they live in, their constructed nations. Connecting to land is about seeking, making, sharing, and celebrating natural relationships. We take a deep dive into how we can commune with the land and gain a better sense of who we are based on where we are.
Show notes:
Homepage | Cultural Survival
LANDBACK - Building lasting Indigenous sovereignty.
Native Land Information System – Data Portal of the Native Lands Advocacy Project
What Native land are you on? This map shows Indigenous tribes' past territories : NPR
Native-Land.ca | Our home on native land
Invasion of America (arcgis.com)
Home Page | National Museum of the American Indian (si.edu)
Coming Down to Earth • Writings – Bayo Akomolafe
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Continental Rationalism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Rationalism vs. Empiricism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)